Wednesday, 14 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN opposite NEPTUNE (0.5 degree) - SUN at 25 ARI 03
Confusion, uncertainty, and delusions of grandeur characterize this
transit. Be alert for deception. Avoid becoming the martyr today just
because your self-confidence may be low. Don't buy into every sob
story that comes your way and don't play the "poor, poor pitiful me"
game. Be careful with contracts. In general, be prepared for any kind
of possible misunderstanding.
SUN trine PLUTO (0.6 degree) - SUN at 25 ARI 03
You can make important changes in your life and in yourself today. The
force of your will and the perception to see what needs changing
combine to give you the ability to do whatever is required.
Regeneration is possible in any area of your life. Change that bad
habit, eliminate what is unnecessary or outmoded. You have the force
with you today. Group activities can be especially rewarding today as
you can help make the groups' goals a reality. People in authority are
receptive to changes today. Lay that new idea on them.
SUN opposite MOON (0.1 degree) - SUN at 25 ARI 03
You must balance your emotions with your individuality. You may have
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difficulties today dealing with the opposite sex, authority figures or
family members. Ego confrontations over emotional issues are likely to
be the cause. Vitality may be low today, so keep stress to a minimum.
Try to understand others' points of view before expressing your own.
Get in touch with your true feelings. Emotional impulses may interfere
with objective and good judgment.
JUPITER trine MERCURY (0.0 degree) - JUPITER at 20 PIS 27
Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well
thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the
larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding
today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is
with you today. Make long range plans now.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.1 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 10
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON square SUN (0.0 degree) - MOON at 02 TAU 16
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. conjunct SATURN (0.7 degree) - Part F. at 13 SCO 52
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Thursday, 15 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN opposite NEPTUNE (0.5 degree) - SUN at 26 ARI 02
Confusion, uncertainty, and delusions of grandeur characterize this
transit. Be alert for deception. Avoid becoming the martyr today just
because your self-confidence may be low. Don't buy into every sob
story that comes your way and don't play the "poor, poor pitiful me"
game. Be careful with contracts. In general, be prepared for any kind
of possible misunderstanding.
SUN trine PLUTO (0.4 degree) - SUN at 26 ARI 02
You can make important changes in your life and in yourself today. The
force of your will and the perception to see what needs changing
combine to give you the ability to do whatever is required.
Regeneration is possible in any area of your life. Change that bad
habit, eliminate what is unnecessary or outmoded. You have the force
with you today. Group activities can be especially rewarding today as
you can help make the groups' goals a reality. People in authority are
receptive to changes today. Lay that new idea on them.
JUPITER trine MERCURY (0.3 degree) - JUPITER at 20 PIS 40
Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well
thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the
Page 4
larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding
today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is
with you today. Make long range plans now.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.0 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 14
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON opposite SATURN (0.7 degree) - MOON at 15 TAU 13
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. square PLUTO (1.0 degree) - Part F. at 26 SCO 39
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. trine ASC (1.0 degree) - Part F. at 26 SCO 39
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Friday, 16 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
JUPITER trine MERCURY (0.5 degree) - JUPITER at 20 PIS 53
Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well
thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the
larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding
today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is
with you today. Make long range plans now.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.0 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 17
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. trine MARS (0.3 degree) - Part F. at 09 SAG 38
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. trine JUPITER (0.6 degree) - Part F. at 09 SAG 38
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square JUPITER (0.8 degree) - ASC at 08 SCO 17
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Saturday, 17 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN square URANUS (0.3 degree) - SUN at 27 ARI 59
Surprises may be in store for you today. These surprises may be
disruptive and, if so, they are designed to help you grow. Look upon
them as challenges and learning experiences. Problems today could come
because of your eccentric behavior. Avoid bohemian tendencies and
doing things just to be different. People are likely to take offense
Page 5
at your uniqueness. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Be
alert today as impulsiveness may lead to accidents. Resist the urge to
overthrow everything just for the sake of something new.
JUPITER trine MERCURY (0.7 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 06
Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well
thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the
larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding
today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is
with you today. Make long range plans now.
JUPITER trine VENUS (1.0 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 06
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.1 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 20
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square MARS (0.3 degree) - ASC at 09 SCO 07
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square JUPITER (0.1 degree) - ASC at 09 SCO 07
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MC square SATURN (0.5 degree) - MC at 13 LEO 59
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Sunday, 18 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN square URANUS (0.7 degree) - SUN at 28 ARI 58
Surprises may be in store for you today. These surprises may be
disruptive and, if so, they are designed to help you grow. Look upon
them as challenges and learning experiences. Problems today could come
because of your eccentric behavior. Avoid bohemian tendencies and
doing things just to be different. People are likely to take offense
at your uniqueness. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Be
alert today as impulsiveness may lead to accidents. Resist the urge to
overthrow everything just for the sake of something new.
JUPITER trine MERCURY (0.9 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 19
Your mental judgment is excellent today. Plans you make are well
thought out, broad, and focused on seeing both the details and the
Page 6
larger picture. Travel, both mental and physical should be rewarding
today. Take care of all legal issues and contracts as the force is
with you today. Make long range plans now.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.7 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 19
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.1 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 23
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON trine NEPTUNE (0.4 degree) - MOON at 25 GEM 11
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON trine MOON (0.2 degree) - MOON at 25 GEM 11
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON opposite N. NODE (0.7 degree) - MOON at 25 GEM 11
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON conjunct S. NODE (0.7 degree) - MOON at 25 GEM 11
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square MARS (0.6 degree) - ASC at 09 SCO 56
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square JUPITER (0.9 degree) - ASC at 09 SCO 56
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MC square SATURN (0.5 degree) - MC at 14 LEO 59
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Monday, 19 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MARS conjunct MARS (1.0 degree) - MARS at 08 LEO 23
Your energy level should be high today. You may feel more aggressive,
assertive and dynamic than usual. Spend your energy doing constructive
work. Clean the garage, work on your car, go play with friends, go
outside and get some good, clean exercise. If you do not find a
constructive outlet for your energy today, you may experience
irritability, anger, impatience and carelessness. Be alert today and
don't let any impatience or carelessness lead to accidents. Watch
Page 7
yourself around hot water and sharp objects.
MARS conjunct JUPITER (0.7 degree) - MARS at 08 LEO 23
Today is a good day to put into action your plans for growth,
education, and expansion. Start that new project, read that new book,
take a calculated risk, put energy into that new business or
investment venture. There is potential reward for taking a gamble.
The biggest danger with this aspect is overconfidence. Don't bite off
more than you can chew. Consider getting some physical exercise today
if you have more energy than you know what to do with. Give some
money or time to charity. You will be rewarded for your philanthropic
and benevolent actions. Watch what you spend. Keep it in line with
your budget. The secret is to do but not to overdo.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.5 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 32
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.2 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 26
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. opposite MERCURY (0.8 degree) - Part F. at 19 CPR 39
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Tuesday, 20 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
VENUS square PLUTO (0.6 degree) - VENUS at 25 TAU 02
Strong desires and passions sometimes go along with this aspect. There
may be the desire to completely change the partner or to completely
transform any current relationship. Jealousy, possessiveness, and the
desire to have control over others makes today's influence very
difficult. You can't change someone else and you can't run their life,
so stop trying or else the resentment they feel toward you will have
destructive consequences. Make up your mind not to manipulate people.
MARS conjunct MARS (0.6 degree) - MARS at 08 LEO 44
Your energy level should be high today. You may feel more aggressive,
assertive and dynamic than usual. Spend your energy doing constructive
work. Clean the garage, work on your car, go play with friends, go
outside and get some good, clean exercise. If you do not find a
constructive outlet for your energy today, you may experience
irritability, anger, impatience and carelessness. Be alert today and
Page 8
don't let any impatience or carelessness lead to accidents. Watch
yourself around hot water and sharp objects.
MARS conjunct JUPITER (0.3 degree) - MARS at 08 LEO 44
Today is a good day to put into action your plans for growth,
education, and expansion. Start that new project, read that new book,
take a calculated risk, put energy into that new business or
investment venture. There is potential reward for taking a gamble.
The biggest danger with this aspect is overconfidence. Don't bite off
more than you can chew. Consider getting some physical exercise today
if you have more energy than you know what to do with. Give some
money or time to charity. You will be rewarded for your philanthropic
and benevolent actions. Watch what you spend. Keep it in line with
your budget. The secret is to do but not to overdo.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.3 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 45
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.2 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 29
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON conjunct VENUS (0.6 degree) - MOON at 22 CAN 41
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Wednesday, 21 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN square SUN (0.4 degree) - SUN at 01 TAU 54
Your ego may get you into trouble today. False pride and over-
confidence can also bring challenges. Those in authority are likely to
see you today as selfish, and autocratic. Do not take risks or gamble
VENUS square PLUTO (0.6 degree) - VENUS at 26 TAU 15
Strong desires and passions sometimes go along with this aspect. There
may be the desire to completely change the partner or to completely
transform any current relationship. Jealousy, possessiveness, and the
desire to have control over others makes today's influence very
difficult. You can't change someone else and you can't run their life,
so stop trying or else the resentment they feel toward you will have
destructive consequences. Make up your mind not to manipulate people.
Page 9
MARS conjunct MARS (0.3 degree) - MARS at 09 LEO 05
Your energy level should be high today. You may feel more aggressive,
assertive and dynamic than usual. Spend your energy doing constructive
work. Clean the garage, work on your car, go play with friends, go
outside and get some good, clean exercise. If you do not find a
constructive outlet for your energy today, you may experience
irritability, anger, impatience and carelessness. Be alert today and
don't let any impatience or carelessness lead to accidents. Watch
yourself around hot water and sharp objects.
MARS conjunct JUPITER (0.0 degree) - MARS at 09 LEO 05
Today is a good day to put into action your plans for growth,
education, and expansion. Start that new project, read that new book,
take a calculated risk, put energy into that new business or
investment venture. There is potential reward for taking a gamble.
The biggest danger with this aspect is overconfidence. Don't bite off
more than you can chew. Consider getting some physical exercise today
if you have more energy than you know what to do with. Give some
money or time to charity. You will be rewarded for your philanthropic
and benevolent actions. Watch what you spend. Keep it in line with
your budget. The secret is to do but not to overdo.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.1 degree) - JUPITER at 21 PIS 57
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.3 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 32
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN square SUN (0.6 degree) - SUN at 02 TAU 52
Your ego may get you into trouble today. False pride and over-
confidence can also bring challenges. Those in authority are likely to
see you today as selfish, and autocratic. Do not take risks or gamble
MARS conjunct MARS (0.1 degree) - MARS at 09 LEO 27
Your energy level should be high today. You may feel more aggressive,
assertive and dynamic than usual. Spend your energy doing constructive
work. Clean the garage, work on your car, go play with friends, go
outside and get some good, clean exercise. If you do not find a
Page 10
constructive outlet for your energy today, you may experience
irritability, anger, impatience and carelessness. Be alert today and
don't let any impatience or carelessness lead to accidents. Watch
yourself around hot water and sharp objects.
MARS conjunct JUPITER (0.4 degree) - MARS at 09 LEO 27
Today is a good day to put into action your plans for growth,
education, and expansion. Start that new project, read that new book,
take a calculated risk, put energy into that new business or
investment venture. There is potential reward for taking a gamble.
The biggest danger with this aspect is overconfidence. Don't bite off
more than you can chew. Consider getting some physical exercise today
if you have more energy than you know what to do with. Give some
money or time to charity. You will be rewarded for your philanthropic
and benevolent actions. Watch what you spend. Keep it in line with
your budget. The secret is to do but not to overdo.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.1 degree) - JUPITER at 22 PIS 10
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.3 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 35
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Friday, 23 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MARS conjunct MARS (0.5 degree) - MARS at 09 LEO 50
Your energy level should be high today. You may feel more aggressive,
assertive and dynamic than usual. Spend your energy doing constructive
work. Clean the garage, work on your car, go play with friends, go
outside and get some good, clean exercise. If you do not find a
constructive outlet for your energy today, you may experience
irritability, anger, impatience and carelessness. Be alert today and
don't let any impatience or carelessness lead to accidents. Watch
yourself around hot water and sharp objects.
MARS conjunct JUPITER (0.8 degree) - MARS at 09 LEO 50
Today is a good day to put into action your plans for growth,
education, and expansion. Start that new project, read that new book,
take a calculated risk, put energy into that new business or
investment venture. There is potential reward for taking a gamble.
The biggest danger with this aspect is overconfidence. Don't bite off
Page 11
more than you can chew. Consider getting some physical exercise today
if you have more energy than you know what to do with. Give some
money or time to charity. You will be rewarded for your philanthropic
and benevolent actions. Watch what you spend. Keep it in line with
your budget. The secret is to do but not to overdo.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.3 degree) - JUPITER at 22 PIS 23
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.4 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 38
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. trine SATURN (0.9 degree) - Part F. at 15 PIS 24
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC conjunct SATURN (0.5 degree) - ASC at 14 SCO 01
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MARS conjunct MARS (0.8 degree) - MARS at 10 LEO 12
Your energy level should be high today. You may feel more aggressive,
assertive and dynamic than usual. Spend your energy doing constructive
work. Clean the garage, work on your car, go play with friends, go
outside and get some good, clean exercise. If you do not find a
constructive outlet for your energy today, you may experience
irritability, anger, impatience and carelessness. Be alert today and
don't let any impatience or carelessness lead to accidents. Watch
yourself around hot water and sharp objects.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.5 degree) - JUPITER at 22 PIS 35
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.4 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 41
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Page 12
ASC conjunct SATURN (0.3 degree) - ASC at 14 SCO 50
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Sunday, 25 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square MARS (0.6 degree) - MERCURY at 09 TAU 55
You may have a big mouth today and it could get you into trouble. Take
time to think before you speak so that you don't end up with hoof
(foot) in mouth disease. You may feel rash and headstrong today.
Control your impulsiveness and your nervous energy. Slow down, take a
few deep breaths, and relax. Read a book, write a poem, and realize
that you don't have to verbally abuse people to get them to see things
your way. Don't go looking for trouble today. Trouble will find you
quick enough. Watch your offhand remarks. You may bum more people out
than you think. Be careful driving or working on machinery. Don't
let little irritations get to you. Be tactful.
MERCURY square JUPITER (0.9 degree) - MERCURY at 09 TAU 55
Your judgment may not be perfect today. You may tend to exaggerate and
promise more than you can deliver. You may likely bite off more than
you can chew. Mental arrogance is possible. Be tolerant of others'
viewpoints. Be careful with contracts and other legal issues. You may
appear closed-minded, smug or self-righteous to others.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.7 degree) - JUPITER at 22 PIS 48
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.5 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 44
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Monday, 26 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square MARS (0.1 degree) - MERCURY at 09 TAU 18
You may have a big mouth today and it could get you into trouble. Take
time to think before you speak so that you don't end up with hoof
(foot) in mouth disease. You may feel rash and headstrong today.
Control your impulsiveness and your nervous energy. Slow down, take a
few deep breaths, and relax. Read a book, write a poem, and realize
that you don't have to verbally abuse people to get them to see things
your way. Don't go looking for trouble today. Trouble will find you
Page 13
quick enough. Watch your offhand remarks. You may bum more people out
than you think. Be careful driving or working on machinery. Don't
let little irritations get to you. Be tactful.
MERCURY square JUPITER (0.3 degree) - MERCURY at 09 TAU 18
Your judgment may not be perfect today. You may tend to exaggerate and
promise more than you can deliver. You may likely bite off more than
you can chew. Mental arrogance is possible. Be tolerant of others'
viewpoints. Be careful with contracts and other legal issues. You may
appear closed-minded, smug or self-righteous to others.
JUPITER trine VENUS (0.9 degree) - JUPITER at 23 PIS 00
Peace and harmony should be yours today. People love you and you love
them. You will go out of your way to help others today because you are
full of friendliness and you want to see others happy. Financial
transactions go smoothly today and you seem to attract money or
material possessions. Relationships are warm and there is love in the
URANUS trine URANUS (0.5 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 47
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON conjunct Part F. (0.2 degree) - MOON at 18 LIB 32
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (1.0 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 29
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. square URANUS (0.0 degree) - Part F. at 28 ARI 13
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Tuesday, 27 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square MARS (0.7 degree) - MERCURY at 08 TAU 40
You may have a big mouth today and it could get you into trouble. Take
time to think before you speak so that you don't end up with hoof
(foot) in mouth disease. You may feel rash and headstrong today.
Control your impulsiveness and your nervous energy. Slow down, take a
few deep breaths, and relax. Read a book, write a poem, and realize
that you don't have to verbally abuse people to get them to see things
your way. Don't go looking for trouble today. Trouble will find you
quick enough. Watch your offhand remarks. You may bum more people out
than you think. Be careful driving or working on machinery. Don't
let little irritations get to you. Be tactful.
MERCURY square JUPITER (0.4 degree) - MERCURY at 08 TAU 40
Page 14
Your judgment may not be perfect today. You may tend to exaggerate and
promise more than you can deliver. You may likely bite off more than
you can chew. Mental arrogance is possible. Be tolerant of others'
viewpoints. Be careful with contracts and other legal issues. You may
appear closed-minded, smug or self-righteous to others.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.6 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 49
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON square SUN (0.5 degree) - MOON at 02 SCO 45
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.9 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 26
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MC trine N. NODE (0.5 degree) - MC at 24 LEO 01
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Wednesday, 28 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN square MARS (0.7 degree) - SUN at 08 TAU 43
You are full of it today, high energy, force of will, and a dislike of
any restraint. Slow down a little so you don't go flying off the
handle. Physical, mental, and verbal confrontations are likely today,
so stay in control. Don't speed today as the police may be watching
you. Don't stay out in the sun too long. Your will is tested today
and the universe wants to see if you can keep your head. As they say,
"Don't have a cow." Ego conflicts and selfishness are today's problem
SUN square JUPITER (0.3 degree) - SUN at 08 TAU 43
Today will be one of optimism and self-confidence. Your only danger is
in becoming over-confident. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Watch the tendency towards self-aggrandizement, false pride, and over-
indulgence in food and drink. Don't overspend, as you are likely to
feel extravagant today.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.6 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 52
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.8 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 22
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. square PLUTO (0.4 degree) - Part F. at 26 TAU 05
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Page 15
MC conjunct PLUTO (0.6 degree) - MC at 25 LEO 02
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MC trine N. NODE (0.5 degree) - MC at 25 LEO 02
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Thursday, 29 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN square MARS (0.3 degree) - SUN at 09 TAU 41
You are full of it today, high energy, force of will, and a dislike of
any restraint. Slow down a little so you don't go flying off the
handle. Physical, mental, and verbal confrontations are likely today,
so stay in control. Don't speed today as the police may be watching
you. Don't stay out in the sun too long. Your will is tested today
and the universe wants to see if you can keep your head. As they say,
"Don't have a cow." Ego conflicts and selfishness are today's problem
SUN square JUPITER (0.6 degree) - SUN at 09 TAU 41
Today will be one of optimism and self-confidence. Your only danger is
in becoming over-confident. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Watch the tendency towards self-aggrandizement, false pride, and over-
indulgence in food and drink. Don't overspend, as you are likely to
feel extravagant today.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.7 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 55
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.8 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 19
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MC conjunct PLUTO (0.4 degree) - MC at 26 LEO 03
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Friday, 30 Apr 2010 - asif ali zerdari
URANUS trine URANUS (0.7 degree) - URANUS at 28 PIS 58
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.7 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 16
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine MERCURY (0.7 degree) - ASC at 19 SCO 43
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
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Saturday, 01 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
URANUS trine URANUS (0.8 degree) - URANUS at 29 PIS 00
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON trine PLUTO (0.7 degree) - MOON at 26 SAG 24
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.7 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 13
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine MERCURY (0.1 degree) - ASC at 20 SCO 32
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Sunday, 02 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
URANUS trine URANUS (0.8 degree) - URANUS at 29 PIS 03
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.6 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 10
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. square Part F. (0.7 degree) - Part F. at 17 CAN 40
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine MERCURY (0.9 degree) - ASC at 21 SCO 21
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine VENUS (0.7 degree) - ASC at 21 SCO 21
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Monday, 03 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN opposite SATURN (1.0 degree) - SUN at 13 TAU 34
You may become involved in conflicts between your need for self-
expression and your duties to others. The key is to find a balance.
You may tend to be selfish today and many problems can be alleviated
by thinking of others first. A feeling of loneliness may come upon
you today, but it's probably just that, a feeling. It's not the true
state of things. Do your duty, meet your obligations, then you have
every right to start thinking of yourself.
MARS square SATURN (0.7 degree) - MARS at 13 LEO 47
You must control your feelings of resentment and anger today as these
Page 17
feelings may be stronger than usual. Watch yourself and be careful of
falls, bruises, burns, and accidents. Be cautious and take things slow
today. Stay alert and do not become careless. Stay focused and
organized and do your duty. Don't rail against it. It will only make
things worse. Today will pass and tomorrow will be brighter, so hang
in there and stop worrying.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.9 degree) - URANUS at 29 PIS 06
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON opposite MERCURY (0.7 degree) - MOON at 21 CPR 07
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON opposite VENUS (0.9 degree) - MOON at 21 CPR 07
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.6 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 07
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine VENUS (0.1 degree) - ASC at 22 SCO 10
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Tuesday, 04 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN opposite SATURN (0.0 degree) - SUN at 14 TAU 32
You may become involved in conflicts between your need for self-
expression and your duties to others. The key is to find a balance.
You may tend to be selfish today and many problems can be alleviated
by thinking of others first. A feeling of loneliness may come upon
you today, but it's probably just that, a feeling. It's not the true
state of things. Do your duty, meet your obligations, then you have
every right to start thinking of yourself.
MARS square SATURN (0.3 degree) - MARS at 14 LEO 13
You must control your feelings of resentment and anger today as these
feelings may be stronger than usual. Watch yourself and be careful of
falls, bruises, burns, and accidents. Be cautious and take things slow
today. Stay alert and do not become careless. Stay focused and
organized and do your duty. Don't rail against it. It will only make
things worse. Today will pass and tomorrow will be brighter, so hang
in there and stop worrying.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.9 degree) - URANUS at 29 PIS 09
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON opposite SUN (0.9 degree) - MOON at 03 AQU 08
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Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.5 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 03
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine VENUS (0.9 degree) - ASC at 22 SCO 59
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Wednesday, 05 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
SUN opposite SATURN (1.0 degree) - SUN at 15 TAU 30
You may become involved in conflicts between your need for self-
expression and your duties to others. The key is to find a balance.
You may tend to be selfish today and many problems can be alleviated
by thinking of others first. A feeling of loneliness may come upon
you today, but it's probably just that, a feeling. It's not the true
state of things. Do your duty, meet your obligations, then you have
every right to start thinking of yourself.
MARS square SATURN (0.1 degree) - MARS at 14 LEO 38
You must control your feelings of resentment and anger today as these
feelings may be stronger than usual. Watch yourself and be careful of
falls, bruises, burns, and accidents. Be cautious and take things slow
today. Stay alert and do not become careless. Stay focused and
organized and do your duty. Don't rail against it. It will only make
things worse. Today will pass and tomorrow will be brighter, so hang
in there and stop worrying.
URANUS trine URANUS (0.9 degree) - URANUS at 29 PIS 11
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
MOON square SATURN (0.5 degree) - MOON at 15 AQU 00
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.5 degree) - S. NODE at 15 CAN 00
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Thursday, 06 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MARS square SATURN (0.5 degree) - MARS at 15 LEO 04
You must control your feelings of resentment and anger today as these
feelings may be stronger than usual. Watch yourself and be careful of
falls, bruises, burns, and accidents. Be cautious and take things slow
today. Stay alert and do not become careless. Stay focused and
organized and do your duty. Don't rail against it. It will only make
Page 19
things worse. Today will pass and tomorrow will be brighter, so hang
in there and stop worrying.
URANUS trine URANUS (1.0 degree) - URANUS at 29 PIS 14
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.4 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 57
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Friday, 07 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.9 degree) - MERCURY at 03 TAU 13
Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
MARS square SATURN (1.0 degree) - MARS at 15 LEO 30
You must control your feelings of resentment and anger today as these
feelings may be stronger than usual. Watch yourself and be careful of
falls, bruises, burns, and accidents. Be cautious and take things slow
today. Stay alert and do not become careless. Stay focused and
organized and do your duty. Don't rail against it. It will only make
things worse. Today will pass and tomorrow will be brighter, so hang
in there and stop worrying.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.4 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 54
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square PLUTO (0.2 degree) - ASC at 25 SCO 26
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine ASC (0.2 degree) - ASC at 25 SCO 26
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Saturday, 08 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.7 degree) - MERCURY at 02 TAU 58
Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
MOON trine MERCURY (0.3 degree) - MOON at 20 PIS 42
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
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S. NODE trine SATURN (0.3 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 51
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC square PLUTO (0.6 degree) - ASC at 26 SCO 15
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine ASC (0.6 degree) - ASC at 26 SCO 15
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Sunday, 09 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.5 degree) - MERCURY at 02 TAU 47
Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
MOON trine SUN (0.6 degree) - MOON at 02 ARI 54
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.3 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 47
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Monday, 10 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.4 degree) - MERCURY at 02 TAU 41
Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.2 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 44
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. square VENUS (0.8 degree) - Part F. at 22 LIB 52
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine URANUS (0.4 degree) - ASC at 27 SCO 53
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.4 degree) - MERCURY at 02 TAU 40
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Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
MOON square URANUS (0.2 degree) - MOON at 28 ARI 02
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.2 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 41
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
ASC trine URANUS (0.5 degree) - ASC at 28 SCO 42
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.4 degree) - MERCURY at 02 TAU 43
Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.1 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 38
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Thursday, 13 May 2010 - asif ali zerdari
MERCURY square SUN (0.6 degree) - MERCURY at 02 TAU 51
Problems today could come by your being too forceful in getting others
to see things your way. You may not be as receptive to listening to
others' viewpoints as you are in espousing yours. Disputes can be
avoided by listening more and talking less. Don't be so critical.
S. NODE trine SATURN (0.1 degree) - S. NODE at 14 CAN 35
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.
Part F. trine SUN (0.9 degree) - Part F. at 01 SAG 25
Put your text here. Do not make it more than one paragraph.